



Indispensability of Dust Remover for Cement Silo of Batching Plant

2019-5-7 09:19| 发布者: philon| 查看: 452| 评论: 0

摘要: In the concrete batching plant, the indispensability of cement silo can be expressed by its economic value and value of environmental protection. Here, haomei will introduce the two aspects in detail. ...

In the concrete batching plant, the indispensability of cement silo can be expressed by its economic value and value of environmental protection. Here, haomei will introduce the two aspects in detail.

1. Economic value: as is well-known, with the development of economy, the water price is being adjusted constantly, and the latest price has reached to 430 Yuan per ton. As to a cement silo, without roof scrubber, the weight of fly ash should be counted as 100 kilograms. Calculating according to the current cement price, namely 0.43 Yuan per kilogram, the waste resource will be 43 Yuan. By that analogy,


concrete batching plant


15695 Yuan will be squandered within a year. Given that there are ten concrete batching plants, 200 thousands will be saved every year. If cement silo is equipped with dust remover, a lot of production cost can be spared, so it is inevitable to install dust remover.

2. Value of environmental protection: with the progress of economy, China enhances the efforts to protect environment, meanwhile, the intensity of punishment for enterprises that pollute environment seriously is increased. The little resource probably seems meaningless to some enterprises, but with the unique earth, environmental protection must be valued to ensure sustainable development, which is the critical point to contribute society and improve living environment.






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