



Proper Ways of Moving Mobile Concrete Mixer

2019-5-7 09:27| 发布者: qinger0912| 查看: 668| 评论: 0

摘要: Sometimes, mobile concrete mixers are needed to be moved according to demands of constructions. Then, haomei will introduce proper ways of moving mobile concrete mixer for users. Movement of concrete ...

Sometimes, mobile concrete mixers are needed to be moved according to demands of constructions. Then, haomei will introduce proper ways of moving mobile concrete mixer for users. Movement of concrete mixer can be divided into short-haul movement and long-distance movement.


mobile concrete mixer


Within short distance, concrete mixer can be moved directly rather than being delivered by vehicles. However, rules observed by both are unchangeable. Before moving concrete mixer, it should be stopped. After concrete mixer and mixing blades have stopped completely, power can be cut off, and the machine cannot be moved until cleaning work and inspections have been done. Within short distance, according to specifications, speed must be noticed when pushing concrete mixer manually. Since turnover of concrete mixer can be caused by instability, speed should be controlled to ensure stationarity, avoid crushing, and guarantee safety.

In long-distance movement, concrete mixer is needed to be lifted to carrier vehicles. Before the lifting steel wire is tied correctly to concrete mixer, lifting tools should be checked whether there is potential safety hazard. When it is lifting, speed should be steady, people are prohibited standing underneath, concrete mixer should be put slowly and stably on the truck, and crush should be avoided. After concrete mixer has been moved to new site, new place selected for parking the machine should be level ground and have excellent drainage.






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